Thursday, September 16, 2010

A New Medium

Something new...

Trying this out from the new iPod touch... Maybe Chad and I will post from abroad now :)

Stay tuned you never know what news we might share next. I predict something awesome soon... Just sayin'


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:William Ln,Carrollton,United States

Monday, August 30, 2010

Treats for the Troops

I had the chance to bake some cakes to send over to Chad and some of the other guys/girls he is deployed with. I am kind of jealous they get to eat these. :)

cake fresh iced jars kisses thank you

They are a chocolate peanut butter bread cake with a butter cream nutella icing :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

2 for 1

How lucky – 2 posts not only in 1 month but check it out – in the SAME WEEK!

So I just wanted to share a great experience I just had. About the time Chad deployed I joined a military wives support group in Dallas on I have been skeptical to actually go – but I bit the bullet today and headed to a dinner in Plano with some of the other members. I am soo glad I went.

I don’t know anyone around here who is experiencing this or has experienced this so it was great to talk to other women like me. We already have our next meet up planned and I am excited for it!

We will be backing care packages to send to all the husbands/boyfriends/fiancés – very excited! Anyway – it was just nice to relate to people about this experience – I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone for once.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

World Travelers

Here we are - 56 days away from the big reunion – yup 56 days my friends. I can’t put in to words my emotions – eek! Now – this isn’t the last one – he has to return overseas afterward but – I’ll take what I can get at this point. Can you hear the flutters?

For all of those that don’t talk to me on a regular basis – Chad and I are spending 2 fabulous weeks overseas in Europe. My plane ticket is booked, our hotel reservations are made, and the train tickets arrived in the mail today! Sweet! I have been lucky enough to make it to Europe twice in my young life – but this will be Chad’s first time – well – first that he is able to step foot off the plane :)

We will be visiting 3 countries during our stay: Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. I have never been to Germany – I am excited – I don’t have much of a liking for beer – but maybe I can make an excuse to like it while I am there! 

I am pretty stoked to see Chad – he has lost 60lbs since February – wow!  I feel pretty fortunate that we get to talk on a fairly regular basis. Though it doesn’t make the situation any better it does give me a little more piece of mind. I can’t put in to words how much I miss having Chad at home. I don’t know how Chad manages – but somehow he still seems to make me feel special from 9000 miles away. He is a keeper for sure. He even sent me a handwritten letter – who does that anymore – I love it!

I’m pretty sure Bruno misses his Daddy – sometimes we can get him to “talk” to Chad on the webcam, it’s stinking cute. He hears Chad’s voice and he looks for him. The other day he realized where it was and he was staring right at the computer screen (see below photo) with his paws on the keyboard – what a goob.

 Video call snapshot 78

Sorry for the randomness and scatteredness of my posts – I find myself sleeping a lot.


Monday, July 12, 2010


We didn't make any about being good at updating this did we?!?!?

Anyway, Chad has been overseas now for about 2.5 months and been back active now for 4.5 months. During this time we have spent a whooping 4 days together. Blah

Good news is: in less than 3 months we are meeting in Europe for 2 weeks of R&R's ok to be jealous. After that - Chad might be home for the holidays! *Crossing my fingers he is home for our two year anniversary*

However - I'm not holding my breath as it could be next year before Chad makes it back. *sigh*

Incase you don't hear from us for awhile again - well hopefully that just means time is flying - we are both extremely busy, stressed, and mentally and physically exhausted from the strain this has put on us both. I didn't realize how much time life takes up when you have to do everything on your own. Simple tasks like getting an oil change become an adventure because you have to wait on the car. Also, grocery shopping is no where near as entertaining without the hubs. And, cooking by yourself for one is not as fun as cooking with your best friend for two - same amount of dishes (minus a plate and a fork) one less set of hands.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of us during all this. We know it's not easy for the people around us either! We have learned that family can mean so much more than blood - thanks to all of our wonderful friends out there - the journey is almost halfway over!


Monday, June 14, 2010

We're back online!

Had to remove some stuff, but we're back! Would have done this sooner, but we have both been pretty busy. Chad works long days and only has 1 day off a week. He plays softball and football (Army Beat the Airfoce...HOOAH!) in his spare time. I have been working some extra hours, and I try to take a nap when I get home so I can talk to Chad at 11PM after he gets back from PT. It keeps me pretty tired. Pretty sure I am the main reason redbull is in business.

Chad should be going to the board soon for his SGT! Exciting! :)

Today was our year and a half anniversary. Wish Chad was here for all these steps in our marriage.

We'll try to keep this thing uptodate...but honestly, not much has happened! I have sent Chad a few packages. I baked some cakes in a jar to send over, according to Chad, it worked!

OTHER exciting news...Chad is sending me and my college room mate to FL for a weekend and the beach and spa, really now, could I have married a better man! :)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Message From Chad

Chad actually posted this as a comment to the below will learn why if you keep reading. :)

Okay, sorry I have been a little late as to posting a blog or commenting, but I have learned for now that I can only comment because all the "log in and home" buttons at the top are written in arabic and I don't know which one "log in" is.

My lovely little angel (Jenny) is the best thing that I have going for me as far as this deployment is concerned. Being an IRR soldier is very hard because you don't know any of the people that you are assigned to, and you most likely will not ever be in the unit afterwards. However, I have made some friends that are worth keeping in touch with in the future, but other people are rather, annoying, conceited and DUMB! Oh well, just like anything else that is new, there is always something you don't like.

Like my wife, I too am stoked about a vacation in Europe and will finally get to meet the other half of the family in the fall!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

True Slackers

Pardon the slack, not much has really gone on. Chad is on operations duty for his deployment. He works 12 hour days 6  days a week...this pretty much blows because it ruins any chance of good conversation and decent hours.

Currently I stay up until 11 at night so we can talk before Chad heads to work and I go to sleep. Chad generally calls before he goes to bed, around 3PM. Since I am at work I really only get to tell him goodnight. I'm trying to get my body use to that no sleep thing like when I was in college. I have been spoiled with 10PM bedtimes over the last 3 years. Eventually it will feel normal, but as for this last week, I went through a case of redbull.

Chad will get R&R, totally stoked about this! We decided since we had been planing to go to Europe this year anyway, instead of him coming home, I am just meeting him in Europe! I am pretty excited about this.

Well, not much news over here, maybe Chad can share more later. :)


Friday, April 30, 2010

Telephone Remake

Thought I would share a good laugh with everyone!

Chad is safe and sound in Kuwait, I got to talk to him for a few minutes earlier today, he sounded good, just really tired. He seems to have high spirits. Chad found out he will pretty much be sitting on his butt for the next 9-12 months. Doesn't look like he will be leaving Kuwait to do convoys! YEA!!

Chad should be getting settled in to his permanent room on Monday. At that point he will be able to get internet access.

I am extremely thrilled with the news that Chad will not be going in to Iraq, the only thing I have to do now is miss him. Trust me, that is a tough task on it's own without the worrying part. I will of course always worry about him some, he is still in the Middle East. But, I am much more comfortable knowing where he is at this point.

Thank you to EVERYONE for the outpouring of support and prayers for Chad and I. We are both extremely grateful to have such wonderful coworkers, friends, and family watching out for us.